Monday, May 20, 2013

Holistic Cellulite Treatment - Natural Tips to Get Rid of Cellulite

cellulite treatment
Cellulite is toxic waste that clings to fat cells. This waste comes from preservatives, chemicals and other unnatural products in the foods that we eat. Cellulite is a sign that you are not eliminating waste from your system. When you have a lot of waste clinging to your fat cells you will get cellulite. The holistic Cellulite Treatment way to get rid of cellulite is to eliminate the waste in your system and to exercise your body.

Eliminate these foods from your diet, processed or refined food that contains artificial ingredients and saturated and hydrogenated fats. Reduce salty and spicy foods, coffee, soda, fired and oily food, cream, sugar and alcohol from your diet.

You should eat a low fat and high fiber diet. You can get fiber in whole grain products, beans, fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables. Grill or bake fish, poultry and lean meat. Include quality oils from fatty fish, olive oil and nuts. Drink eight glasses of water everyday to flush out toxins from your body. Alcohol and caffeine will cause dehydration. You have to drink additional water if you drink coffee and alcohol beverages.

Regular exercise is important to eliminate cellulite. Walking, jogging, tennis and swimming will improve blood circulation. Weight lifting will burn fat and strengthen your muscles. Exercise the areas that have the most cellulite. Lunge and squat exercise will tone your buttocks. Leg lift and side leg lift exercise will tone your thighs. You should exercise a minimum of 30 minutes, three days a week.

Massage the area where you have cellulite with lotion or oil. Coconut oil or essential oil massage will improve circulation and help remove toxins out of the tissues. Massage the areas everyday will break down cellulite and help with cellulite elimination.

If you combine a low fat and high fiber diet, regular exercise, drink a lot of water and body massage you will eliminate cellulite and have a smooth, firm body.
Learn more home remedies for cellulite naturally, quick and easy.

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